

You could be free about as far as far as your backyard, or your backyard could be the ticket to total liberty. Are readers of the Backyard Liberty survival plan destined to take off the chains of fear or preparing to load themselves with a burden?

The Real Burden

What will really weigh heavily with Alec Deacon’s predictions, written up in Backyard Liberty and his other texts online, is apocalyptic paranoia; of what “the end” will do to people and communities. There are many images of the apocalypse for reference from numerous sources. Religious ones indicate a war far more devastating than even WWII. Movies tell us there will be zombies or everyone will need a gun. Some books point to starvation, burying small children due to minor illness, and to all manner of horrors. Did your family emigrate from a communist revolution or share stories of life before modern medicine, in the early 19th Century for example? If so, you might have some picture of what food and medicine shortages look like and how easy it is for illness to result from hunger; for a toddler to succumb to a flu which doctors today would fight with Tylenol and antibiotics.

Readers need only look to tragedies played out on a smaller scale such as natural disasters, wars, and the outbreak of Ebola. Watching the news and the internet reveals pictures of devastation from Syria, Haiti, and Liberia suggestive of apocalypse in a microcosm. Nations could succumb due to the release of a disease. They might turn on each other in a religious battle. An economic crash could lead to neighbors turning on each other and mass bloodshed. Alec Deacon thinks the end is looming and has already started. He has evidence.

Food Shortages

Deacon uses before-and-after shots of certain iconic foods to show readers that food might cost the same, even slightly more, but you get slightly less for the same price. This is a sign that America is trying to hide a massive shortage of food, one which scientists have been predicting for years. How can a world that continues to build big houses on fertile land manage to grow or raise enough food for their people? In some ways, the evidence is impossible to deny.

On the other hand, most Americans are overweight — about 2/3rds. Is there really a food shortage? Deacon’s examples are not very convincing. He uses processed cheese, sugar-laden peanut butter, Twinkies, and potato chips to make his point. One could as easily argue that America’s health agencies have teamed up with major brands of junk food to try and reduce consumers’ caloric intake in ways they don’t even notice.

Good Idea

In spite of the paranoia built into Alec Deacon’s ideas, he is on to a good thing. Check out a Backyard Liberty review. Maybe the idea took root in a lot of silliness, but good soil contains a lot of muck while still producing a healthy plant. Such is the case with Deacon’s aquaponics. This is a sensible plan for healthy living which the whole family can get involved with. There are several aspects to this system which almost anyone should approve of.

Idiot Proof

Anyone, apparently, can build the aquaponics system for a few hundred dollars and no soil. The system, sold online complete with DVD support, was written for people who would have no idea how or where to start. It’s cheap too. Deacon insisted the language be so simple a pre-teen could figure this thing out.

Little Water

Water shortages are real, especially in locations where one relies on a well. Watering restrictions come into effect during an average summer in many locations around the world due to drought. Aquaponics uses 1/10th the water normal gardening requires, but this water is routinely purified by plants. It’s the perfect way to emulate what takes place in the natural world.

Limited Space

Most Americans, many Canadians, and numerous individuals around the world are in possession of a postage-stamp-sized backyard or perhaps only a patio. This tiny amount of space has to suffice for all of their growing needs. There is no room to raise anything unnecessary, so consumers will be focusing on foods that are highly nutritious; healthy greens, for example. Aquaponics will be effective in this small space under certain conditions.


Most states and provinces beyond the 49th parallel are too cold in winter to sustain any kind of growth outdoors. One must find room indoors or be able to freeze or dry food. If a reader can make it work, he doesn’t have to subscribe to Deacon’s survivalist fears.

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